[TenTec] FS: Antenna Tunners
Paul Helbert, Wv3j
Sat, 24 Apr 1999 10:16:02 -0400
For Sale:
Ten Tec 238 2KW roller inductor antenna tuner with manual
$350.00 shipped.
This is the current model which matches the Corsair II, Omni
V, Omni VI, etc. It is without blemish. It switches four
antennas, measures forward and reverse power, SWR, etc., has
internal balun for balanced feedlines and (standard)
additional cap for 160 meter operation.
My station has been miniaturized to the point that I no
longer need a tuner of this size.
Others (you ship):
MFJ 949 D. Like new. $85.00
Ten Tec AC5. Good condition. $35.00
Murch UT-2000A. Very good appearance, excellent internal &
performance. $125.00
MFJ-16010 Converted to "T" network. Rough appearance.
Works FB. $20.00
EMTECH ZM-2 ATU. Kit unbuilt except that decal has been
applied to front panel.
Rainbow Tuner with San L Machine Co case. Kit unbuilt.
I don't know how I accumulated so many.
Paul, Wv3j
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