[TenTec] Re: Pegasus Panel
Larry Kayser
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 08:11:08 -0500
>I would prefer to have the entire screen full of controls and dispense
>with as many menus as possible. It would be better to have the keyer
>adjustments, power output, band switchs and agc all "up front". I
>really don't care if it LOOKS like a radio as much as it's fast and
>easy to operate. Maybe this will come along later.
What are your ideas in this area, can you identify what is important, what
is not important, about what goes where and what things look like and work
like etc.
Is what you want really a control program for Pegasus that lets you cut,
paste, and layout the screen the way you want it to look like, putting both
type of control and the location where you want it to be? You could include
as well a logging program and say have output formats to meet various
existing logging programs. The concept of software that accomodates the
individuals goals of mass customization is just entering the consumer market
now and could be available for use in a Pegasus control program. The hard
part is that the setup programs and basic data would almost fill a CD at
this time.
What price would you be willing to pay for such a program? Understand such
a program would not be cheap and would include a security key to ensure that
it was not duplicated or duplicatable. Is there a need to have the same
software interface capability to other radios? The list of radios suitable
is short right now, Pegasus, Kachina, and the TS-570, this is expected to
change this coming year.
Obviously I am doing a little market research here, anyone else want to
comment, please do so.
>Isn't TT going to
>release the source code so we can start hacking away?
Not within my understanding of their various comments from Ten Tec. They
have released the programmers manual and that is all they have agreed to do.
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