[TenTec] Pegasus beta software
Greg Hodsdon
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 17:54:15 -0800
Hi Steve:
Yes, it definitely would require a hardware interface, but that's already
available on the market. If the band info can be made available on the
computer LPT port via software, TopTen Devices has a "band decoder" that
would switch the Hercules very nicely. In my view, this is an option
TenTec should be offering for the Pegasus. Your idea of getting the band
logic from the Pegasus' relays is another solution.
73 de Greg, K7KJ
Portland, OR
Steve Ellington N4LQ wrote:
> I can't see the Pegasus controlling the Hercules unless an interface
> is installed. The Herc requires a gounded lead to activate each band
> relay. It was easy rigging it up with the old Omni C but the Pegasus
> has no external connector. After looking over the schematic of the
> Pegasus, it wouldn't be difficult at all to tap into the coil of each
> band relay and use those voltages to activate small relays external to
> the rig and key the Herc. All it would take is some multiconductor
> wire and no software changes are needed.
> Steve N4LQ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Greg Hodsdon" <k7kj@teleport.com>
> To: "tentec" <tentec@contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 1999 1:55 PM
> Subject: [TenTec] Pegasus beta software
> >
> > TenTec has beta version 1.63x4 posted on it's website. Among the
> added
> > features is the ability to exchange frequency and mode information
> with
> > other programs. This opens the door to much greater flexibility with
> the
> > Pegasus control program such as band data on the computer port.
> Perhaps
> > auto bandswitching of the Hercules II amp is not too far away.
> > Greg, K7KJ
> > Portland, OR
> >
> >
> > --
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