[TenTec] Hercules II Power Source
Jim Reid
Sat, 25 Dec 1999 15:47:44 -1000
> The problem with marine batteries is that they are easily
> damaged by overcharging! If you get one,
> be sure to get a charger designed for the deep cycle
> batteries and not a charger designed for automobile batteries.
> Most deep cycle battery chargers have a timer on them.
Aloha Mike, And thanks for your note.
Well, what does Ten Tec mean by an "automatic
charger"? I would assume that means it cuts "off"
when some voltage level is reached, maybe the
12.8 v full charge you list. That might be more
effective than just a timer?
I note that the amp specs are listed at 13.8 vDC, but
that it's voltage range is 12 to 14.5 v dc. From this,
I imagine the max amp output power is going to depend
both upon the current available and the voltage simultaneously
available from the battery at that current. Astron specs their
power supplies with both a constant draw current, which
is way down from the max; e.g. 57 amps continuous,
70 amps ICS. ICS = intermittent communication service,
5 minutes "on", five minutes "off", their spec.
The problem I have with the Astron RM-70 alone: it
runs out of "gas" with the amp putting out about
250 watts, SSB peaks. Much above that, and per
the other end, audio begins sounding "bad".
So one's max output power is going to be set by both the
voltage and current capacity of the battery, it seems.
73, Jim, KH7M
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