[TenTec] Omni D TVI problems
Tue, 9 Feb 1999 11:44:43 -0700
I recently purchased an Omni D, and have been using it for about a week now.
It is a wonderful rig, and I can see why so many hams love Ten Tec gear.
However, I have noticed a slight bit of TVI noise in the television sets in
my home- appearing as a single or mulitiple lines through the picture, and
only occuring on channel 2-5. It is worst on channel 2, which doesn't come
in that well anyway. I never had problems with TVI with my other rig, a
hallicrafters FPM-300 with tube type final amp. I'm wondering if the broad
band solid state amp in the Omni D is causing harmonics, and if any one has
used a low pass filter with their Omni D successfully? I have never tried a
low pass filter but would give one a try if I thought it would help. Also,
if anyone has other suggestions, please let me know.
Jason KA7UAM
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