[TenTec] OMNI VI PLUS SOLD & reasons given

Paul Helbert, Wv3j phelbert@rica.net
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 23:32:56 -0500


The Omni VI+ is spoken for.  I received a number of queries
as to why I was offering to sell it.

We moved in with my 85 year old dad a few years ago.  His
house was already full of stuff and my ham shack took over
one end of the dining room.  I'm working to lessen the
footprint.  I'm not a collector.  When we made that move I
owned a Corsair I with outboard VFO.  Since then I've had an
Omni V, an Omni VI and this Omni VI+.  I liked the
flexibility of the Corsair's extra VFO for being able to
listen on a split frequency, but it took up a lot of table
space.  The Omni VI+ is the best rig I've ever had the
pleasure of operating.  The control layout is logical and
the programming is simple and easily rememberable.  I like
the flexibility of the many filters and the effectiveness of
the DSP.

I now have a pretty complete home built QRP station (with a
couple of boat anchors for backup).  Test equipment is
beginning to take up more and more space.  It's time to make
a big deal out of getting some money out of this equipment
before the XYL stumbles onto the price of my next project:
an Elecraft K2.

Anyone interested in a real large and robust homebrew 2x
3-500z amp, a Sunair GSB-900 DX with GSL-1900A Amplifier
Set, a Heathkit 10-18 O'scope, or some really heavy
transformers?  I'm not a collector and could part with any
of this for the above given reasons :>)

Paul, Wv3j

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