[TenTec] Paragon I evaluation?

Rich McCabe rmccabe@dwx.com
Sun, 3 Jan 1999 12:11:18 -0600

Hello Clark,

I can not give you any first hand experience on direct comparisons. I have
owned two Paragons, the last having the Giehl chip Bob mentioned. From a
reliability standpoint I have had no problems.

I mentioned your E Mail to my friend Brian who has owned an Omni D, Omni V.
OmniVI and now the plus.

His comment was that the Paragon was almost the same as the Omni V but not
quite as good. (He says it is just a different sound). Of course the Omni 6
is a little better and the 6 plus is the top dog.

He also owns a 1000MP and says that he feels the Paragon is still the
premier Gen coverage transceiver. "simplicity by design"

He told me to tell you that since you already know what a Omni V is capable
of, you would not be disappointed in  the Paragon.

I really don't know all the differences between the Paragon 1 and 2. I would
be curious to know from the TT fans here on the reflector. Seems to be a
little known subject.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-tentec@contesting.com [mailto:owner-tentec@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Robert Weingaertner
> Sent: Sunday, January 03, 1999 10:30 AM
> To: Clark Savage Turner
> Cc: tentec@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Paragon I evaluation?
> I have had a Paragon I for several years, and the only major problem
> with the Paragon I is the solder on the two PLL boards. Some were
> made with poor solder joints which become intermittent after a few
> years. The cure is to resolder all of the connections on these boards.
> This is not the end of the world, it is just tedious. Still, I'm glad
> that the Ten Tec design allows most of us to do out own repair work.
> The ergonomics or man-machine interface is better on the Paragon II
> because its functions were based more on the OMNI in the areas of
> frequency selection and band switching. However, this shortcoming in
> the Paragon I can be overcome by installation of the $50.00 "Giehl Chip"
> (something I haven't gotten around to doing).
> Performance wise, I have no complaints, though I am not a contester or
> Dxer.
>      73, Bob WB2VUF
> Clark Savage Turner wrote:
> >
> > Anyone have the Paragon and can compare it to the Corsair II
> > and/or OMNI VI (or OMNI V)?  I like both SSB and CW operation,
> > and am not a contest operator.  I like to SWL too.  I would
> > put a CW filter into it at the very least.
> >
> > I am very curious.  I have a  backup rig for my OMNI VI,
> > and it is the Kenmore (appliance) TS 850S/AT.  I like the
> > 850 a whole lot to begin with, but would consider replacing
> > it with a real 'merican rig :-) .
> >
> > How is the general reliability of the Paragon?  Does anyone
> > prefer the Paragon II to the I, and is there much of a
> > difference?  How is the Paragon on CW with a good narrow
> > CW filter installed (and how is the audio VBT, is this the
> > same as the one in the Corsair II?)
> >
> > Just general questions, I know, but I seem to have a chance
> > at a nice clean Paragon I and am seriously considering it.
> > Never used one and would just like a few critical opinions
> > if you have any.
> >
> > Clark
> > WA3JPG
> >
> > --
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