[TenTec] Omni V RF gain
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 04:39:17 -0000 (GMT)
This does not apply to my Omni-V .... and I'm interested to know if
mine is an oddball in this respect. I very rarely reduce the RF gain
below 2 PM. Normally it sits at 3PM plus or minus. On 17m and above,
its not unusual to have it nearer 4 PM, certainly on 10m.
Audio gain is the opposite; it runs mostly at 9-10 AM.
If I ran the RF down below 12 I'd be surprised if I heard anything
except rock-crushing BC stations on 40m. I certainly hear no antenna
noise at all with the gain that low on 20m and up. All I hear is
IF/audio noise.
But it sounds to me as if Charles' radio is in pretty good shape by
comparison with mine. Maybe I really do need to look at those J-310s.
John G3JAG
On 31-Jan-99 charles w burkhardt wrote:
> I think this may have been covered before but I can't remember the
> details. I had trouble with receive noise., especially on ssb,
> until I
> realized that the control reaches full RF gain when it is in the
> 12
> O'Clock position.. In other word the full range of the control is
> from
> about 7 O'Clock to 12 O'Clock. This is a used unit and I can hear
> signals very well. Just wonder if it's worth trying to get it
> fixed.
> Charles Burkhardt. K0GPF.
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Date: 31-Jan-99
Time: 04:26:11
John Crux
Consultant in product forgery - Asia and
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