[TenTec] FS: LDG AT-11 Automatic Antenna Tuner

Scott Howell whowell@hq.nasa.gov
Wed, 07 Jul 1999 07:50:25 -0400

I just wanted to comment that this is an excellent tuner. I have one myself
and its really nice. especially as a blind operator, I can't use other
manual tuners unless I get a device to indicate the match. This fits the
bill for me and the folk at LDG are incredibly nice. As nice as the folk at
Just thought to toss my comment in.

73 de Scott/n3byy

At 11:16 PM 07/06/1999 +0000, David H. Hammond wrote:
>Hi Everyone,
>Offering an LDG AT-11 Automatic Antenna tuner rated at 150 watts.  It is the
>perfect match for the Omni VI or any other TT rig where an automatic tuner is
>desired.  Unit is slightly larger than a Scout.

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