[TenTec] Re: Receiver AGC and QRN
James Owen
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 10:18:56 -0400
Robert Weingaertner wrote:
> This shuts off the RF amp and adds in a 10 dB attenuator. The AGC
> action is smoother and on QRN-prone bands like 80 and 160, there
> is still plenty of signal to work with.
There is an additional trick that works for me on the Corsair II. Adjust
the NOTCH to about the 10-12 o'clock position. It seems as if more of
the static power is in this range and the notch reduces it some. Also
turn the RF gain to minimum then turn the AGC OFF and increase the RF
gain just until you can read the signal. I have run 75m traffic nets
with 20+db static and S9 stations this way with about 75% copy.
73 Jim K4CGY
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