[TenTec] TT INRAD Filters
Thu, 17 Jun 1999 17:20:27 -0500
Nope, my experience is the same. I have the #216 and #217 filters in the 1st
IF, and the #282, 285 and 288 filters in the 2nd IF and all work great for me
although I don't find the 1.8 kHz filter terribly advantageous. No ringing, no
noticeable ripple. The 250 Hz is not used often but very effective.
73, Duane AC5AA
Duane A. Calvin
Server Systems Test Engineer
Dept. 76TS RS/6000 - SP Nodes
IBM Austin, TX >O< Tie: 793-3368
---------------------- Forwarded by Duane Calvin/Austin/IBM on 06/17/99 05:15 PM
N1EU <n1eu@yahoo.com> on 06/17/99 01:34:01 PM
To: tentec@contesting.com
cc: (bcc: Duane Calvin/Austin/IBM)
Subject: Re: [TenTec] TT INRAD Filters
Good questions Gunner.
I'm an INRAD fan myself, but I happen to have Ten Tec
500hz and 250hz filters in both if's - rig came with
them ;-). I notice no ringing, great tuning, and
great readability on cw with the TT filters. Anyone
have experience to the contrary?
Barry N1EU
--- gjn <gjn@mail.image.dk> wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> You have obviously substituted the TT filter #282
> with an INRAD #751 in
> your OMNI VI+. What changes in CW reception
> performance did you notice?
> Easier tuning? Less ringing? Easier readability?
> Better DSP noise
> suppression?
> 73 - OZ6NF/Gunner
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