[TenTec] Paragon wierdness

Rich McCabe rmccabe@dwx.com
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 08:35:38 -0600

My Pargon is acting a little flaky and I am not sure if I need to be
concerned about it.

This is my second Paragon and I haven't seen this happen before.

When I first turn the unit on, the frequency may be quiet (even though there
is activity). There is a typical noise level, but no one talking. After a
few seconds, I hear some distorted audio and all of a sudden it clears up,
and the rig is fine.

Kinda reminds me of a tube rig except is seem more like the PLL isn't
syncing up or something.

This whole process only takes about 20 seconds and as I said works fine
after that.

Any thoughts ?


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