[TenTec] Re: Internet phone charges

Dumas, William E. William.E.Dumas@Co.Ramsey.MN.US
Wed, 05 May 1999 11:49:01 -0500

I appreciated your posting.  Even though it was off topic.  Even though
it was mis-information.
The bandwidth you used is not a problem for me.  
I must say from the start, though, that your intentions are of much
greater concern to than the results of your posting.  And I appreciate
your intentions to alert us to things that seemingly would be of great
concern to all of us.  Turns out it was a hoax, but I appreciate the
intentions of your 'heads up'.  
There are lots of postings to this reflector that are 'on topic' but
aren't worth the bandwidth their posted on any more than your note which
was 'off topic'.  And if the accuracy of postings is of concern, why, we
would cut down on a lot of traffic on this reflector if we limited
ourselves to information that was correct.
You've learned a bit about internet hoaxes, and a bit about the grouches
on this reflector.
You're welcome here along with the rest of us.

	Bill  /KB0LAO

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