[TenTec] Omni VI plus
Wed, 5 May 1999 12:42:04 -0500
You're right - hadn't thought about switching both modes and RIT together.
Maybe set VFO B for the offset and the other mode and just operate "split". Set
the RIT to the correct offset on VFO-B, and then just punch the "A=B" button
once you're in QSO. If needed, you can switch to Split and cut loose on CW. A
little more setup, but should be possible.
OK on ICOM, but you splashed TT with the same brush.
I used to do a lot of 2m DX/Contest work when I lived in the northeast US. I
used transverters (Hallicrafters HA2, an old Heath, and a Yaesu). Most of the
long haul work was done CW back then, with some amount of SSB. Most current
rigs don't lend themselves to transverter use since we have a proliferation of
VHF and UHF all-mode rigs. Too bad, because a good converter/transverter setup
with a good HF rig has a lot more to offer on the RX side of the equation. One
of these days I have to complete my Rochester converter project that has been on
the shelf for years....
73, Duane AC5AA
Duane A. Calvin
Server Systems Test Engineer
Dept. 76TS RS/6000 - SP Nodes
IBM Austin, TX >O< Tie: 793-3368
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