[TenTec] RE: Bitchin'
Ryan M. Stavely
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 17:43:50 -0500
> Your comments above are far too absurd to respond to.
It is absurd to say someone isn't a real ham just because they don't work a
particular mode. Would it be absurd to say somone isn't a "real ham" just
because they don't work 2 Meter FM?
> Gee, maybe we should stop teaching history in our schools and Universities
> too.
> You would probably be in favor of no-test driver licenses, or college
> degrees just for the asking.
It's amazing how much people can tell about a person from their stance on
one issue. CW has nothing to do with teaching history, drivers lisences or
college degrees. Why don't we stop putting words into somone elses mouth,
and get out there and tell people what a wonderful hobby we have? I because
a ham in part because I saw all hams as freindly folks that were willing to
help a new guy like myself out... Was I wrong?
> Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! That seems to be most of what we have
> heard from you
> on this list?
Actually, I remember Caity seeking and finding a lot of advice on getting
her Ten Tec station set up. Sometimes we can't see the forest for all the
trees. I'm glad I never ran into a ham like Reid before I got my liscence,
I would have missed a lot of the wonderful times I have had.
73 to all, even the naysayers,
Ryan, KB3DGF/4
Ryan M. Stavely
Kilo Battery, VTCC
212 Monteith Hall
Amateur Radio Station KB3DGF
ICQ UIN #3340108
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