[TenTec] The reflector, operating sched (was:RE: Bitchin')

Caitlyn Martin caitlyn@netferrets.net
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 09:50:25 -0500

Hi, Ryan,
> Actually, I remember Caity seeking and finding a lot of advice on getting
> her Ten Tec station set up.

Thank you.  I've had a chance to A/B test my old Argosy against some newer,
supposedly superior Japanese equipment.  Provided the mods to lower the
noise floor are done, that old Ten Tec receiver is still better than a lot
of stuff on the market today.  I really appreciated the help, and really,
really enjoy the results.

I've received really supportive e-mail from the list, and you are responding
to the one and only post I consider negative.  The gentleman who corrected
my figures is correct:  you have to take techs plus tech plusses to get
over 50%, and I do appreciate the correction, too.  I see this reflector as
an opportunity to learn, one I intend to keep utilizing.

FWIW, I will be operating my one remaining piece of Japanese HF gear, an NCG
15M 10 watt 15 meter mobile, while driving down to Florida to spend
Thanksgiving with the family.
I'd love to work some of the folks from the reflector, provided you can hear
me, of course.  I'll be on Wednesday late afternoon and evening, and again
on Thursday morning next week.  I usually tail-end when running QRP, but do
look for me in the Advanced and General SSB portions of the band.  I usually
start from the bottom of the Advanced portion simply because it's easier for
a QRP station to be heard in the least crowded areas when the band is open.


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