[TenTec] Heil Goldline Mic
Beamer, Jay
Fri, 1 Oct 1999 10:36:27 -0400
Hello All,
You can be assured that if you buy a TT desk mic or the hand mic that you'll
have nice sounding audio (on SSB that is), as long as you don't over drive
the xcvr. Overdriving is a common problem.
I used a D104 with xtal element, amplified and non-amplified for
approximately the past 3 years until recently and never had a bad audio
report. If it's amplified, keep the control turned way down. If you have
trouble driving a TT xcvr with a D104, either your xcvr is broke, or you
need to replace the xtal element in that D104 you bought at a ham fest 20
yrs ago for 5 dollars.
Believe it or not, a Shure 444 works nicely on the V, VI, and Paragons, BUT,
it must be the dual impedance variety. Use the low impedance setting and
you'll be surprised. I just verified this with a station on the net a couple
weeks ago. The black 444 is dual impedance, and the grey model 450, same
color as regular 444, is also dual impedance.
Before using the D104 for about 3 years, I used the Heil HM10, dual element,
and used the ragchew element (cant remember the element #). Between the Heil
and the D104, the D104 is a bit smoother.
So there's some choices, and they're not expensive. Don't ask me what I'm
using at the moment on my V (no, not this vry moment). It's complicated.
Just keep in mind that the TT xcvrs are sensitive to level, meaning don't
overdrive the darn thing. Just remember, the more the ALC light comes on the
worse your audio will sound.
If you want to hear some of these combos, check into the net, or just
listen, if you're embarrassed to let anyone know you own a microphone.
Torrance, Ca.
-----Original Message-----
From: vbbond@ix.netcom.com [mailto:vbbond@ix.netcom.com]
Sent: Friday, October 01, 1999 6:31 AM
To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Heil Goldline Mic
Mike R. wrote:
Everyone tells me to try the TT705
> mic on it (Omni VI+).
Also heard that Astatic D-104's are popular with the TTers, but I
> experience a RF problem in the D-104 (common problem).
I recently played this game and posted my observations on this
group. I've played with a D-104 (non-amplified), Electro Voice 630,
Shure 444 and Heil Pro-set (with HC-5 element). Several ops suggested I
try the TT705. I did. They're right. Observations:
- D-104: Sounds clean but low output does not drive the Omni 6+ well;
- Shure 444: Drives the pants off the Omni but mic gain critical to
preclude low level distortion, most buddies didn't like it;
- Heil Pro-set: Sounds relatively good although some said the HC-5
element sounded somewhat "restricted", Does not drive the Omni well,
I found I had to turn vox gain all the way up to 15 to trigger vox
with mic touching my lips;
- TT705: Good clear audio and lots of it! Only got one complaint of
audio sounding too bassy, everyone else tells me it sounds
"natural." Vox, processer gain and mic gain settings set low, vox
triggers smoothly. Many good audio reports.
Hope this helps. I'm satisfied with the TT705 as my basic desk mic
on the Omni 6+. It seems to do everything well. Price is reasonable.
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