[TenTec] Heil Goldline Mic
Michael Melland
Fri, 01 Oct 1999 09:45:04 -0500
vbbond@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> - Heil Pro-set: Sounds relatively good although some said the HC-5
> element sounded somewhat "restricted", Does not drive the Omni well,
> I found I had to turn vox gain all the way up to 15 to trigger vox
> with mic touching my lips;
Boy !....... must be something different between the Omni 6+ and my Omni V
or the HC-5 in a desktop vs. headset. I use a Heil HC-5 in my Pro-Set
phones and it works great and I get great audio reports. And the vox is set
pretty low.
73 de Mike, W9WIS
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