[TenTec] Copying CW in your head

Joe L Blackwell aa4nn@juno.com
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 19:54:32 -0400

On Thu, 23 Sep 1999 17:39:25 -0400 "ai2q" <ai2q@ispchannel.com> writes:
> Something nobody has mentioned is that to be a really good CW
> conversationalist, you have to be able to spell! 

So well said!  Another thing, is good sentence structure which will
allow the listener to logically follow whatever is being said (sent).
That in itself will make copying in the head much easier.

Spelling aside, all the email to this reflector gets the point across,
but you just wonder if anyone takes the time to re-read their
composition before hitting the <send key>.

Vy 73, de Joe AA4NN

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