[TenTec] Southpaw CW (was Re: Copying CW in your head)

Robert bigmack@nortexinfo.net
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 23:30:06 -0500

As a lefty, I also send with my right hand, thumb is dit, finger is dah...

At 09:22 PM 9/24/99 , vbbond@ix.netcom.com wrote:

>K & H Darwin wrote:
>  So to me, the thumb is for dah's and the finger
> > is for dits.
> >
> > I'm sure glad I did it that way!
>I'm left handed and I learned on a right-handed bug and later a
>right-handed keyer paddle. Seems natural to me!
>                             K7 No Answer
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