[TenTec] OMNI-VI Plus features lost from OMNI-V?
Tue, 28 Sep 1999 09:13:05 -0500 (EST)
From: BSUVC::00TLZIVNEY "Terry L. Zivney" 27-SEP-1999 16:49:26.17
To: IN%"tentec@contesting.com"
Subj: OMNI-VI Plus features lost from OMNI-V?
I plan on buying an OMNI-VI Plus before the contests arrive this fall.
While reviewing the QST reviews of the OMNI V, VI and VI Plus, together
with the filter info from International Radio and the discussion on
the reflector for the past several years, I am confused on a few points.
These points have been bones of contention on the contest reflector for
a number of years.
1. A number of big-time contesters have dinged the OMNI VI for not having
a monitor function for SSB. yet the OMNI-V review clearly notes the presence
of a monitor knob! Did this disappear on the OMNI-VI? How about adding
this back? Is there documentation on this?
2. International Radio and some of the postings on this reflector have
noted that the stock 2.4 filters are "too narrow"; yet TenTec has a great
reputation for audio with the ragchewers! Furthermore, one would think that
narrow bandwidth would be appreciated by contesters. I primarily operate CW.
I am very happy with my Corsair II and its tentec filters. Should I plan on
buying a pair of IRC SSB filters, or stick with my tentec cw filters?
3. The QST review of the OMNI VI says that altho the cw offset can be adjusted,
the PBT must be offset when the offset is different from 600 Hz. Is this
still true on the VI Plus?
4. At the beginning of this reflector's life, a frequent complaint about
the VI was that the RIT could not be cleared easily. Is this a problem with
the VI plus?
5. The OMNI V review notes that there is a transverter output and a transverter
control jack. Some contesters have noted that a transverter control jack is
a very easy way to control two radios (the switching merely disables the radio
not in use while the audio and keying are fed in parallel at all times).
Does this feature still exist on the VI Plus? If not, is this a documented
Thanks for the feedback.
Terry Zivney, N4TZ/9
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