[TenTec] OMNI-VI Plus features lost from OMNI-V?
Carl Hyde
Wed, 29 Sep 1999 06:45:55 -0700 (PDT)
Lets talk about contesters. Hmmmm they sit at a radio
and call cq, exchange call letters and a signal report
and go on to the next cq. Whats the point? That isn't
communications its headhunting. Personally I wouldn't
give a hoot in hell what any contester thought about
anything! All they do is ruin the bands for a whole
weekend that I could be using to carry on intelligent
conversations. When they start giving cash prizes for
contests then maybe it will mean something. Hi Hi
--- "Dale L. Martin" <kg5u@hal-pc.org> wrote:
> >> 1. A number of big-time contesters have dinged
> the OMNI VI
> for not having
> >> a monitor function for SSB
> big-time contesters don't operate SSB.
> ;-)
> dale, kg5u
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