[TenTec] Pegasus - fixed the RF problem
Michael O. Hyder
Sun, 2 Apr 2000 23:09:03 -0400
I lived in a townhouse apartment building and put dipoles on the roof for 80
and 40 meters. Running a kilowatt caused some interference to my neighbors'
TV sets and mine, too. All of us used cable TV.
I made up some jumpers using a three-prong AC plug and a big alligator clip.
The wire ran from the ground pin of the AC plug to the clip. Then I plugged
the jumper into the AC outlet closest to the TV and clipped the other end to
the outside of the TV cable connector, right where it hooked onto the set.
That completely cured all instances of TVI we were experiencing.
73 de Mike N4NT@charter.net
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard W. Hemingway" <rheming@attglobal.net>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 5:17 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Pegasus - fixed the RF problem
| Setting up the Peg in this small one bedroom retirement apartment has been
| interesting to say the least. Using a 20 meter Isotron, painted to look
| like a Swedish flag holder, with flag, has looked anything like an antenna
| and has been not working all that great as one up to now. I had a lot of
| RF that was getting into the TV, etc, and perhaps neighbors apartments.
| This is a total stealth situation, unfortunately. (How i wish I had my
| tower and Sommer 7 band antenna back - sob!).
| I have used a couple of ferrite coils on the coax near the antenna - and
| now have finished the Ten Tec RF counterpoise kit (no way to have an RF
| ground here). Just tried it out and everything works great. 1:1 across
| the 20 meter band (with a tuner) but, more importantly, no interference in
| the TV up to 30 watts out. Since I probably can only operate around 10
| watts or so, this should work fine. When I first tried to operate with
| Peg - at 3 watts that picture on the TV about jumped off the screen.
| Well now I will have to see what it can do.
| Thanks for all the helpful comments and suggestions.
| Dick, N5XRD
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