[TenTec] Titan Problem
Joe L Blackwell
Tue, 4 Apr 2000 16:37:18 -0500
Had this happen to me during a contest, very frustrating. I would hit
the dit side of my paddle to unstick it back into receive mode.
Sometimes a coupla dits were needed. After a while, it cured itself.
Titan Serial NR 60A10010
73, de Joe aa4nn
"Sidney D. Shusterman" <k3sx@pipeline.com> writes:
> One of the relays is sticking in my Titan Model 425. When this happens
> the relay(s)(?) stick in transmit. I have no receive signals. If I rap
> the case in the left lower rear corner the relay lets go and I can hear
> again. The likely culprit would be the vacuum relay. Once, when very
> stuck, I was able to remove power and actually rap the vacuum relay.
> This fixed the problem for a while. I spend most of my time on 160
> separate RX antennas so I forgot about this problem. I just got an
> FT-1000MP [ had an FT-920] and I was enjoying the pleasures of a new
> rig and QSK when it stuck and reminded me of the problem. Anyone have
> this or a similar experience?
> My Titan's serial number is 425-01086.
> 73, Sid K3SX
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