[TenTec] Auto Band switching

Barry N1EU n1eu@hotmail.com
Wed, 05 Apr 2000 23:25:38 EDT

Thanks to all who answered my original posting.  Several responded with the 
complete list of rigs, and I'm copying this message from Jerry to the 
reflector in case others are interested.


>From: Gerald C Totten <gctotten@juno.com>
   In addition to the OMNI V and VI, the PARAGON II had the connector and it 
was an option on the PARAGON (1).  The old OMNI A and D and C had a MOLEX 
connector that was wired to a wafer of the band switch and T-T sold a cable 
that would do the job.  ( I think they still sell the parts.)
   Also the CORSAIR 1 had it but it was not included on the CORSAIR II for 
some un known  reason.  But I know a few guys that added it to the CORSAIR 
II by putting a small extension on the band switch shaft.

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