[TenTec] Re: TenTec Amateur Radio Digest V3 #126
Rod Pruner
Mon, 24 Apr 2000 09:37:21 -0700 (PDT)
Rich and all,
What you have described is exactly what I ended up
doing. However, this was only after I discovered an
error in Kenwoods schematic.
They had the MIC and MIC COMMON leads drawn
reversed at the MIC connector. For some reason
this looked to me as though the MIC leads were
both isolated and had no "common/ground"
as does the PTT leads.
So, after correcting the drawing, it became obvious
that I did'nt need to use pin #4 as one side of the
MIC. I wired the MIC COMMON and PTT COMMON to the
"ground" connection on pin #2,
MIC is on pin #1 and PTT on pin #3.
Connected to my Delta II and worked a station
in Alaska on 12 meter SSB with good signal/audio
Thanks to all the folks here who replied to my
original note and helped me solve this.
> Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 13:52:05 -0400
> From: "Richard B Drake" <rbdrake@erols.com>
> Subject: RE: [TenTec] Electret Mic voltage vs.
> Dynamic Mic
> Maybe some of the older rigs don't provide the +4
> volts on a
> seperate pin (pin 4) as the Omni VI Plus does. On
> the 705 Mic, the
> +4 volts from pin 4 is connected to the Mic input
> through a 22k
> Ohm resistor internally to the Mic. If you don't
> connect up pin 4
> there is no voltage. So, to use a mic that doesn't
> want to see any
> voltage why wouldn't one just not connect anything
> to pin 4?
> Please straighten me out.
> - ---
> 73, Rich - W3ZJ
Rod Pruner - KN3ZOG
Conyers, GA USA
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