[TenTec] Corsair comments

Steve Ellington n4lq@iglou.com
Tue, 8 Aug 2000 08:46:11 -0400 (EDT)

1. I've found the older TenTec rigs i.e. Triton, Omni-C etc. to be less
affected by QRN on 160m than the Corsair and newer rigs probably because
they are single conversion receivers, having less noise generated by the
extra I.F. amps. My Omni C ignores QRN! 

2. AGC on all older TT rigs takes some getting used to. Prior to the Omni
V and Paragon, they used audio derived AGC which could not respond to
sudden impulses. Wearing headphones could result in ear damage. MFJ's DSP
unit has it's own AGC which helps limit the audio level. It's worth a try.

3. I'm still looking for a noise that my Omni C can blank. 

Steve Ellington N4LQ

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