[TenTec] Any tips for a new Ten Tec owner?

Bob Mauro - PeopleNet mauro@idt.net
Thu, 10 Aug 2000 11:10:08 -0400 (EDT)

Just got my Omni 6 Plus from Ten Tec and I love it.  I was
previously using the Scout, which I love too.  But this is like
going from a basic Model-T Ford to a fully equipped Rolls Royce! 
Amazing radio.  I'm halfway through the manual, but already
worked some DX.  Yet if any of you Omni 6 Plus owners have any
tips or hints for picking out those weak DX stations?  The best
settings, i.e. NR on/off, etc.

I'm now trying to sell the following Ten Tec rigs locally.  If
you're in the NYC-LI-CT-NJ area, check out this ad:

TEN-TEC SCOUT, with noise blanker, mobile mount, 10, 20, 30 meter
modules, 10 & 20 meter Pro-Am mobile whips. All mint. $450. 
Omni-A with Ten Tec power supply, plus SSB & CW filters. $250. 
Could use a little dusting here and there, but works like a
charm.  Bob, KZ2G, 516-579-4043, mauro@idt.net, see rigs at

   Bob Mauro, Mauro@Idt.Net      Amateur Radio Station KZ2G
   My DisAbility Website       http://idt.net/~mauro
   My Amateur Radio Website    http://idt.net/~mauro/kz2g.html
   My Levittown, NY Website    http://idt.net/~mauro/levittwn.html
       If my IDT mail bounces, send it to kz2g@altavista.com

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