[TenTec] Easy to operate?

Michael O. Hyder N4NT@chartertn.net
Sat, 9 Dec 2000 08:12:02 -0500

Aw, shucks.  This is easy.  I fingered 'em all out.

Regards, Mike N4NT@chartertn.net

----- Original Message -----
From: <al_lorona@agilent.com>
To: <rbdrake@erols.com>; <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 2:28 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Easy to operate?

| Hi, Everybody,
| This is a thought-provoking thread. To throw fuel on the fire: I am
| at the latest QST, at an ad for one of the latest and greatest
| (I won't tell you which one just yet).
| Among the 68 controls visible on the front panel are the following. Just
| speak up if you have any clue what these are:
| DCD = digital CD (you can play your music on this rig)
| STA = stabilizer.  this disables the SG. SEL control
| CON = conservation.  reduces power 10% to meet California regs
| A.N. = annunciator.  signals XYL to bring coffee or beer
| B.C. = baby cakes.  thanks her for coffee or beer
| FF = frustration fun.  this control does random things
| C. IN = color-in (see TRACE)
| SG. SEL = signal select.  main tuning control
| P.C.T. = pseudo control turning.  lets you turn knobs without affecting
| HI/SHIFT = raises front of rig for easier access
| TF. SET = two-frequency set.  this is otherwise called "clarifier" or RIT
| BATL = battle.  this button energizes your amplifier for dx pileups
| TRACE = lets you use the front panel display as a Magic SlateŽ
| So, the first hurdle is simply being able to decode the front panel
| of a radio. As I think I've demonstrated, that isn't always as easy as it
| seems. From the sound of this thread, more and more folks resent having to
| refer to a manual to do something simple like adjust the transmit power or
| turn on the RIT.
| The second hurdle is knowing how or when to use a particular control. I
| don't know how many times I've heard guys on the air saying something
| "Oh no, there's a carrier on frequency from a shortwave broadcast station.
| don't think I'll be able to copy you. We'd better sign off." I ask myself,
| Don't these guys know that they have a notch control? In many cases, it
| would eliminate the problem they're having. We have these advanced,
| expensive rigs sitting on our desks, but we don't even know how to use
| in even the simplest situations!
| R,
| Al  W6LX
| Hint: Take a look at the back cover of this month's QST.

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