[TenTec] TT Scout on batteries?

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer geraldj@ames.net
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 23:14:26 -0600

I'm running a 15 amp automotive blade type 32 volt fuse in the power
cord to my Corsair II. Its close enough to the edge that I can blow it
occasionally. I figure that's better than being too large and blowing
finals first.

I think that attention to voltage drop within the Scout should be the
best attack at making it run more happily on battery. Connector and fuse
are the prime candidates for replacement. I like the large size of blade
type automotive fuses, and then only if made by Littlefuse or Buss. Not
if made by any other fuse stamper.

In theory the LM2940 should not drop out of regulation until its input
voltage is 10.6 volts. There shouldn't be 1.4 volts drop between the
battery end of the power cable and the input to the regulator unless
there's excess loss in the connector and fuse and wires that are too
small or maybe some series resistor to act as a current limiter. Or the
voltage is adjusted to something higher than 10 volts out.

I don't have a Scout schematic to study though I know where one is.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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