[TenTec] 3rd Party Omni-6 Firmware?
Dale L Martin
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 11:18:34 -0600
> While I thoroughly enjoy my Omni-6 Plus, there are some missing
> features in the firmware that would make it even better. While I
> haven't spoken with them on the subject, it appears that Ten Tec
> doesn't seem inclined to make any changes.
> Has anyone considered re-working the firmware a la Jack Ghiel for the
> Omni-6 Plus?
> The two features I would like to see added: visual indication of
> transmitting (Ghiel added a "star" on the display), and the ability to
> key the radio on the interface (RS-232) line.
The ALC LED, Sidetone (on CW), and my Omni VI's and my external wattmeters
work very well for me as a transmit indicators.
Maybe you could wire up an external indicator of some sort in parallel with
the ALC LED, or wire up an external indicator connected to and keyed by the
If you mean have CW key input capability through the DB25 port of the radio,
that's pretty straightforward wiring. There are a number of pins going
unused on the DB25 connector that could be used for not only keying in, but
keying out, audio out and even audio in, too. You could just about reduce
your cable requirements for contest and maybe even non-contest work to one
or two cables between the radio and computer.
If you mean CW/PTT keying through the TD/RD lines of the RS232 then, that's
a different story. Seems like you would be asking for more of the
processor's time that way. Most computer logging software uses the separate
TD/RD (for radio control) and keying (RTS line, I think it is) method.
dale, kg5u
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