[TenTec] OMNI VI+ VAT564 Ver 1.8 Upgrade

Art Harding k5yef@airmail.net
Tue, 18 Jul 2000 19:53:15 -0500

Hello OMNI VI+ owners and interested CAT hams!

You can download cat56418.zip at:


This version is mainly for PSK users.  The additional commands are not
freeware - if you are a PSK31 enthusiasts this might be a good time to join
the group!


WIDE              Full panoramic display (2.4 kHz)            Just type the
letter "W"

NARROW       250 Hz filter centered on 700 Hz            Just type the
letter "N"

TIGHT             500 Hz filter centered on 700 Hz            Just type the
letter "T"

FL x                 Same effect as FL commands in regular command set.

UP x, Down x, Arrow Keys        Same effect as regular commands

P xxxx                 Retunes the OMNI VI+ to the PSK target placing it at
700 Hz.

PSK                    Toggles the PSK mode.

============== You can see examples of these commands on the site.

What's Next?  I want to get on with the "User Menu" features of CAT564.
These will be menus that you and I will customize for our individual
preferences. For instance I might create a menu such as:

[1] Old Junk Amplifier Trader Net
[2] WWV

In this example item one would deploy my radio to 7.275 MHz, LSB.  Item 2
would of course be 10 MHz.  Etc.  Think about it, this will be one heck of
an operating aid!

Stay tuned,

73 Art K5YEF

PS If you have a YAESU G-800SDX rotor there's a special surprise on the site
for you.  Drop by!

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