[TenTec] Corsair II vs. Digital Trition 544
B. J. "Tony" Martin
Sat, 22 Jul 2000 16:38:13 -0400
Keep the Triton and buy the Corsair II....keep 'em both.
Then look for a mint OMNI C line and get it too. I've
had 'em all (well, almost) and felt "post-partem depression"
each time I sold/traded one of 'em. It's a terrible feeling,
believe me. Seriously, guess I would opt for the Corsair II
Tony, W4FOA
(OMNI C, C2, OMNI 6+)
Jim Reid wrote:
> Aloha,
> I have an opportunity to pick up a Corsair II in very great
> condition. However, I have a Triton 544. I know the rigs
> are separated by a few years, plus the Corsair I.
> However, I do not know the features/performance differences
> between these two Ten Tec rigs. Would I notice some
> benefit to selling the earlier rig and buying the Corsair II.
> Both SSB and CW are modes most used here. My 544
> and the available Corsair II both have the external VFO
> providing "split" DX operation, nice!
> Any comparative comments would be appreciated. The
> Unofficial Ten Tec Site seems to be gone.
> 73, Jim, KH7M
> --
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