[TenTec] re: Jupiter
Vin Legare
Thu, 27 Jul 2000 11:30:46 -0400
Ken, your web site caused me serious problems, it destroyed my screen and
prevented me from shuting down. As a result I had to disconnect power and then
reboot! Don't know what the problem is or if it's just this one instance, but
beware! Vin W1TUJ
Ken Hopper wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> maybe my info is incorrect? I asked Scott Robbins about the PegasusFP and he
> posted a public message about JUPITER. I have included the text of that
> message on my webpages. Do you suppose there is another new rig coming out?
> See my website http://home.uchicago.edu/~khopper/jupiter.html
> dit dit
> de Ken N9VV
> --
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