[TenTec] OMNI-5 Problem

Lee Grimes grix@teleport.com
Mon, 31 Jul 2000 10:48:43 -0700

Should have said that I tried a dummy load and it worked fine.  I have a
706, an IC-726, an OMNI-C, an Astro 103, and a Drake line...all work fine on
160.  My 160 feed line is ladder line into the room to the antenna tuner
with balun.  Could it be that the OMNI-5 is simply very sensitive to RF in
the room, moreso than the other radios?  I tried my 80 meter coax fed dipole
thru a tuner on 160 and the O-5 still went into oscillation.  Thank you for
your input, Barry...Lee K7INU
-----Original Message-----
From: Barry N1EU <n1eu@hotmail.com>
To: grix@teleport.com <grix@teleport.com>; tentec@contesting.com
Date: Monday, July 31, 2000 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OMNI-5 Problem

>Could be rf getting in Lee.  Suggest you remove all cables connected to the
>Omni V that aren't essential and then try 160M xmsn with a dummy load and
>also into the dipole with reduced power out and see if it still hangs in
>Your shack just might be very live with rf on 160m, especially if transmit
>antenna is nearby.
>If reducing power or the dummy load cures the hanging, you can try adding
>some ferrite to the Omni V cables, but it might be hard to exorcise the rf
>demons if you're on the second floor and the dipole is nearby.
>Barry  N1EU
>>Hi...I have an Omni-5.  On 160 meters it goes into oscillation...just
>>off on its own...in transmit, SSB and CW.  Using the 705 mike.  Tried
>>changing, no luck.  Using the 961 PS.  Using a dipole for 160.  Tried a
>>tuner.  Tried the TT counterpoise ground (I'm on the second story, away
>>good ground).  No luck.  Any ideas?  Thanx, Lee K7INU.
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