[TenTec] Ten Tec:Paragon and Paragon II FOR SALE
Sun, 11 Jun 2000 01:42:19 EDT
I have the following Ten Tec Transceivers FOR SALE.
FIRST TRANSCEIVER is a Ten Tec Paragon. It comes with the following optional
equipment(acessories)They are the Model 258 Serial Port, The FM Board,and 3
Optional Filters which are the #282, #285and the #288. It also has the Giehl
Chip, which just about makes it perform as a Paragon II. I Purchased it new
from Ten Tec, and have the Manual and Shipping Cartons, There are no
scratches or dings any where on this Paragon. It looks and performs like new.
I am asking $1100.00 for it or best reasonable offer. I can and will send
very detailed E Mail Pictures on request ,should any one be interested.
Second :Ten Tec Transceiver is a ( LIKE NEW) Paragon II. It also comes with
the Optional Filters ,which are the #282, #285, and the 288.This
Transceiveris in very good condition (LOOKS and WORKS LIKE NEW)Not a scratch
on it .I have Manual and shipping carton, I can an will E-Mail very good
pictures of it on request. I am asking $1600.00 for the Paragon II or best
reasonable offer. I am the second owner.
Third :Ten Tec -Transceiver is a Omni 6 Plus that I purchased new from Ten
Tec. This is not a factory (Ten-Tec) up-grade, this is a new omni 6 plus,
with 5 Optional Filters. I have the Manual and shipping box for this
unit.This has very little use on it, as I use the Pegasus quite a bit and the
Paragon and Paragon II. I would definately rate this a 9 3/4 on a scale of
10, just because I took it out of the box. I am asking $2100.00 for this .
Like the above Ten Tec Tranceivers I can and will send E Mail Pictures on
request should any one be interested.
I just have to many or to much, so I am thining down a little.
I am not selling completely out, I still have the Pegasus and plan on keeping
one of the rigs above that dose not sale. Thank You Very Much, Have a Good
Day to You and Your Families. And do something good for your selfs, Or some
one else.
73's To All
My Name is Dave/WA6CQJ
My E-Mail Address is Davenbarstow@aol.com
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