[TenTec] Crystal Filter for Triton IV 540

Michael Melland badger@vbe.com
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 09:33:16 -0600

I read an article this morning about using a Ten-Tec 217 and/or 218
filter in an outboard box with a Triton.  It's in the September 1981
QST, pg 16. "Add a Crystal Filter to Your Ten-Tec 540, a no-holes

Anyone ever tried this ?  Wondering what the results you had ... article
sounds impressive.

Also, I found an article that states that if you plug an RC active
filter into hole 4 and 5 (IF in and out) of the accessory socket on the
Argonaut 509 it puts the filter in the IF and agc chain and so it works
much better then using it after the audio amp (phone plug).  Can anyone
verify this ?

Thanks es 73

Mike Melland, W9WIS

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