[TenTec] Re: Zero beating with the OMNI-6+

George, W5YR w5yr@att.net
Mon, 27 Nov 2000 16:12:22 -0600

One slight addition - see below.

k8do wrote:

  When you adjust the tuning dial so that the incoming audio note
matches the     CW-button tone, your *transmitter* is zero beat with his
carrier frequency...

This whole "zero-beat" thing has gotten out of hand since, as K8DO so
aptly explained, you tune in an incoming station such that the beatnote
you hear from that station is at the CW offset frequency that your
receiver is set for. 

72/73, George   W5YR - the Yellow Rose of Texas      NETXQRP 6	       
Fairview, TX   30 mi NE Dallas in Collin county	     QRP-L 1373
Amateur Radio W5YR, in the 55th year and it just keeps getting better!
Icom IC-756 PRO #02121 (9/00) Kachina #91900556 (12/99) IC-765 (6/90)

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