[TenTec] Hooking up an Omni-6+ (and more) and RigBlaster
Eric Rosenberg
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 22:44:19 -0500
Hooking these devices up is confusing me...is it so obvious I don't see
The setup: Omni-6+, 301 remote tuner, Herc II (soon).
If go from my computer to the RigBlaster directly, how do I control the
rig as I normally do?
Do I put a "y" (or is that a "W") at the RigBlaster to hook in
Do I run a separate PTT line from my W1WEF serial port interface to the
RigBlaster (which pins on the rig's RS-232 port do I use?), and then
use a separate port to control the rig? Should I use the Icom
interface for the rig?
So many options, so little clarity!
Any help is appreciated!
Eric W3DQ
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