[TenTec] 238 Tuner question
Steven Mann
Sun, 24 Sep 2000 21:10:10 -0400
Interesting! I have a homemade tuner with a Johnson rotary inductor. It was
having some of the problems you guys are experiencing. I forget where I read
it, but there was an ongoing discussion about cleaning rotary inductors.
Someone suggested spraying it with tuner cleaner. I did and it solved the
squeaks and slippage. It also moves much smoother now throughout the range.
Steve, N4EY
Joseph Koppi wrote:
> Vince: I am experiencing a similar problem with my Model 229 tuner. It
> turns out that the contact wheel has a worn or slightly oversized center
> hole. As a result, the wheel does not fit snuggly on the tension bar that
> holds it against the coil. It wobbles on the tension bar and, at times,
> binds on the coil. In my tuner (and I took off the cover to observe this),
> the ill-fitting wheel binds on the end of the coil with the wider turns, and
> when it does, it jumps off of the winding, requiring the tuner to be opened
> and reset.
> Ten-Tec service suggested using Deoxit to clean and lubricate the wheel and
> tension bar. They also told me that the bar and wheel could be purchased
> apart from the entire coil if I wanted to replace just those parts. Or, you
> can buy a new coil for $62.
> I'm going to try the cleaning and lubrication route first.
> Joe, WØSU
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Vincent A. Santis <vsantis@javanet.com>
> Subject: [TenTec] 238 Tuner question
> > Hi,
> > My 238 tuner inductor has a section of its travel which which seems rough
> to
> > me. It is as if it's rubbing on something or the roller goes off the
> > winding. > Vince Santis, WB1DQN
> > Winsted, CT
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