[TenTec] binaural CW?
Sat, 31 Mar 2001 20:40:42 EST
May be apples and oranges here, but it seems there was an article in one
of the ham mags (which one and when I don't recall) which featured a
"binaural" cw filter project. The unit took the audio out signal from the
rig and split it through a lowpass opamp filter on one side and a
highpass filter on the other, then into the separate channels of stereo
headphones. I never tried building one, but the net result was supposed
to be that lower pitch sigs would be heard in one ear and higher pitch in
the other -- i.e., a signal would in essence move across from one ear to
the other as you tuned up or down the band. As I remember it the idea was
to center the desired signal in the middle of your head and let your
"mental" CW filter do the work. (I hope this is at least somewhat clear
on how the unit was supposed to work -- perhaps someone else built one or
remembers when and where the article was published and can clarify or
verify what I remember.) 73, Al
On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 15:08:22 -0800 (PST) Clark Savage Turner
<csturner@falcon.csc.calpoly.edu> writes:
>Any of you guys use the JPS NIR-12 for binaural CW reception and how
>does it approxmate diversity reception?
>I had a Yaesu FT 1000 here in the shack for a week once (a guy wanted
>swap for my OMNI VI) and I used the dual receive with stereo
>headphones to
>really dig out CW signals. I am told the NIR-12 approximates this in
>binaural mode and just wonder if anyone has experience with it.
>At a mere 47, I find my hearing is sometimes a problem, especially in
>CW range. I am using lower tones these days, but find I need to
>the tone frequently to reorient my concentration on the CW signals
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