[TenTec] Was "new Ten Tec etc", comments and new topic
Carl Hyde
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 05:35:21 -0700 (PDT)
Ah Lucas the Prince of Darkness! In my masochistic days I owned four MGB's. You
could pull them in the garage at night and if you turned out the lights and
were real quiet you could hear them rust. Now that Ford owns Jaguar they have
gotten better but as long as they keep building them in england they'll be
inferior to every car but KIA (Korean Incendiary Automobile).
Now on to an apropriate subject before the reflector gestapo cuts in. I just
put my Scout into mobile service and have to admit that it works nicely since
it only has four controls to distract the driver. The noise blanker is very
effective but I'm still getting a little bit of ignition noise on the audio.
I'm using a Ford Windstar. The Scout is wired directly to the battery. I am
assuming that I need extra noise suppression and wasn't sure where to start.
One question I have is this. Should the radio itself be grounded to the vehicle
frame? Where should I start to add additional noise suppression? Thanks all.
--- Rich Gaarden <richg@toolcity.net> wrote:
> Many years ago I was curious why the English often drank warm beer. The
> reason, I learned was that they used Lucas refrigerators.
> Rich KF3DQ
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Carl H.
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