[TenTec] Was "new Ten Tec etc", comments and new topic

Bwana Bob wb2vuf@qsl.net
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 10:20:20 -0400

Don't overlook the heater/AC ventilation blower, especially of your
vehicle is getting older. The blower on my '92 Explorer puts out a lot
of hash that sounds like ignition noise but increases when the blower
speed is increased. Fortunately, it is easier to get at than the
infamous Ford fuel pump. I plan to add feedthrough caps to the blower
motor "when I get time".

Regarding grounding, there seems to be no general agreement. Don
Johnson, W6AAQ, in his book 40+5 Tears of HF Mobileering, recommends
grounding the chassis of the rig with a short braid or ribbon cable.
Where you tie the negative supply line is still being debated. I
connected mine to the vehicle chassis, near the battery ground. Others
connect the lead right at the negative battery terminal. Some of the
confusion may date back to the days of Japanese cars with positive
ground systems and the isolated-chassis CB sets that worked with either
positive or negative ground systems! I don't know for sure.

			Bob WB2VUF

Carl Hyde wrote:
I just
> put  my Scout into mobile service and have to admit that it works nicely since
> it only has four controls to distract the driver. The noise blanker is very
> effective but I'm still getting a little bit of ignition noise on the audio.
> I'm using a Ford Windstar. The Scout is wired directly to the battery. I am
> assuming that I need extra noise suppression and wasn't sure where to start.
> One question I have is this. Should the radio itself be grounded to the vehicle
> frame? Where should I start to add additional noise suppression? Thanks all.
> --- Rich Gaarden <richg@toolcity.net> wrote:
> >
> > Many years ago I was curious why the English often drank warm beer.  The
> > reason, I learned was that they used Lucas refrigerators.
> >
> > Rich KF3DQ
> >
> >
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