[TenTec] Dayton Dinner

Mark Erbaugh mark@microenh.com
Sun, 29 Apr 2001 17:43:26 -0400


I have made reservations for a dinner get together for TenTec enthusiasts
the Friday night of the Dayton Hamvention (5/18). I have 14 or so on the
list already so that's how many I made reservations for. If you're not on
the list, let me know and I'll try to up the reservation.

The reservations are for 7:30 at the Country Buffet at Salem Consumer Square
(next to the Salem Mall).  This is an all you can eat buffet and while I've
not eaten at this particular restaurant, I have eaten at others owned by the
same company and you won't be disappointed by the food or the selection. The
price is $8.72 including tax. This also includes drinks and dessert.
Everyone will just pay on their own.  Hope to see you there! Just ask for /
look for the TenTec group.

Mark, N8ME

P.S. Since I'm a non-smoker, I made reservations for non-smoking. One of the
perks of being the organizer.

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