[TenTec] Re: [CQ-Contest] Reliable Voice/CW Keyer for Omni VI+

Marc Wullaert marc.wullaert3@pandora.be
Mon, 24 Dec 2001 19:57:06 +0100

Look at array solutions site by wx0b.He shells the Super Combo Keyer.
THis is a keyer build by zs4tx .IT's doing CW/Voice and have a build in
compressor.You can control 2radios ,or let control the pc contest software
control them.I'm using one on my ft1000mp and I don't use the compressor
because its overdriving fairly.The build in cwkeyer is a CMOS KEYER III
by IdiomPress.
Infact i'm reading just in the manual on page 6 there is a 5vpull up pin
onthe microphone socket for use with a electrect condenser microphone.

BTW anyone out there using this keyer let us know ....

marc on4ma

merry christmas-happy newyear

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank W8HO" <W8HO@qsl.net>
To: "CQ-Contest" <cq-contest@contesting.com>; "TenTec"
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2001 6:53 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Reliable Voice/CW Keyer for Omni VI+

> Hello to all and Happy Holidays!
> As I look forward to the remaining contest season I am faced with a
> dilemma--Which voice keyer or better yet a combination voice/cw keyer will
> operate with an Omni?
> I love my pair of Omni Rigs but they do have a "quirk" that makes
> contesting life a bit more difficult than it needs to be.  As anyone who
> uses an Omni knows--the quirk is their 4 pin Mic with electret voltage
> supplied from the rig.  This causes great difficulty for those of us using
> the Heil headsets (or any other Heil Microphone).  The Heil cartridges
> simply won't drive the Omni unless one uses an amplifier like the W2IHY
> amp/equalizer.
> It also causes difficulty trying to use a voice keyer for the same
> reason.  All the keyers I have tried will not drive the Omni unless routed
> through an amplifier like the W2IHY, and by the time u do that, u have
> feedback loops or with a couple PC based sound board systems--u get RF on
> the transmitted audio.
> How about it, anyone out there successfully using a voice keyer with an
> Omni?  Naturally my CW keyer by Logikey works fine for CW, but is there a
> combo CW/Voice model that someone has gotten to operate properly?
> Thanks for ur help and may all of ur Christmas/Holiday wishes be
> Frank W8HO (ex WB8ZEV)
> --
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