[TenTec] RE: A low vswr will kill you !

Sherrill WATKINS SEWATKINS@dgs.state.va.us
Fri, 26 Jan 2001 10:33:23 -0500

Bob:  Good heavens, where have you been??   Yes, you are correct, 
tuners are impedance matching devices, another name for tuner.  
However the most important point is TUNERS TUNE THE ANTENNA SYSTEM TO RESONANCE.  It is NOT necessary for the antenna itself 
to be resonant as long as the SYSTEM is in resonance!  The system is
defined as the actual antenna AND transmission line.  When the system 
is in resonance,  ALL THE R.F. POWER IS RADIATED FROM THE ANTENNA!  This has been explained in quite good detail by Mr. Walter Maxwell in QST.  Mr. Maxwell is infinitely better qualified than I,  so I 
can only refer you to his articles entitled "Another Look at Reflections" 
or his book by the same name. It was just pointed out by other kind members of this board that the book will be soon published again.  I 
have his first edition that was published by the ARRL about 15 years 
ago and intend to buy a copy of his second edition as soon as it is 
available. I never got beyond 8th grade arithmetic, so probably  99 % 
of the math I won't understand, but I intend to read his second edition anyway!  Go back and read all the antenna posts that appeared on 
this reflector this week.  You did not delete them did you?? 
- 73's- Corn- k4own  

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