[TenTec] New 238A
Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:09:29 -0500
I had a few minutes yesterday to try loading the new Ten-Tec 238A model
Due to the 160 meter contest this weekend, and not having any 160 antenna
up, I tried loading on the 45 foot top loaded 80 meter vertical. The
tuner easily handles 100 watts from 1.800 to 1.840 at 1.1:1 SWR. The
vertical works against a 50 radial system.
With a few quick turns on the inductor crank, the 238A is very smooth.
No loose screws etc. rolling around as has been a problem with QC in past
238 units.
The new color scheme: I feel the powers that be at Ten-Tec should have
retained the "Omni-Corsair II " gray. This darker tone is not black but
simply too dark to this long time Ten-Tec user, and I simply do not like
I DO like the lack of the tuning dial.
Jim Miller, K4SQR
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