[TenTec] Re: TenTec Omni VI/+ Mods?

Jim Lowman jmlowman@ix.netcom.com
Sat, 14 Jul 2001 18:14:48 -0700

DeniGm3skn wrote:

> I love my second hand Omni VI 563 (upgraded to a plus) now I have at long
> last mastered the alignment of the 10 MHz ref, BFO and Local oscillators.
> This rig was sold to me as an "Omni Plus" when I didn't know any better. I
> would really like to know if there are any alignment notes and mods
> around for this rig.

It's my understanding that an Omni VI that has been upgraded to a Plus is
electronically identical to a brand new "Plus," assuming that it was an
"Option 3" upgrade.  I can check with Scott at T-T if you like, or perhaps
he will jump in here and confirm or deny what I said.

73 de Jim - AD6CW

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