[TenTec] Scout drift fix?

Dennis/WR4i wr4i@mindspring.com
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 00:20:30 -0400

Thanks to all who replied both here and many direct. My question was
answered..the Scout never went beyond version "1.0" it seems, but there were
many happy users who had "work-arounds" for existing issues. I also read
some of the customer reviews on EHam (??) regarding the TS-50 and they love
that rig too. I don't think I could in all good conscious say the Scout
would be the best rig to replace my friends  TS-50 after reading those
reviews, but, having owned one of the first ones to come out (10 years ago?)
I can say I thoroughly enjoyed it while it lasted!

And in closing I must say I was tempted to get another Scout having seen the
many suggestions for improving the rig!
Thanks again for your replies (I tried to answer all the "direct" ones).
This group is an invaluable resource!

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