[TenTec] 6N2

Paul pfb@eriecoast.com
Tue, 22 May 2001 12:00:31 -0400

A couple of friends picked up the new unit in Dayton.

Nothing has been posted here yet......

So --- Got a chance to see it and play with it for only a few minutes....

Receive is great.  Great layout.  Spectacular sound - no external speaker

There seems to be a few "birdies" in the unit while spinning the dial and
Intermod rejection on the 2 meters was not spectacular or supurb.  The radio
picked up a local repeater on a simplex frequency 900 away from the repeater
frequency.  It was like they were on simplex.

More to come - first impressions to get the thing started.

And I Only had  a few minutes with it.

Anyone else have more to report.


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